Dear Sherry Turkle,
reading your introduction to Alone
Together, I just wanted to say that I can really see where you are coming
from and that I do agree with you that technology is not substituting for the
real thing. I know plenty of people who rather than speaking to each other on
the phone or in person, would much rather text each other on their cell phones.
You make a great point in saying that digital connections offer this illusion
of companionship without the demands of friendship. It’s completely true, this
allows for people to physically hide from people and escape to a place where
they now have control over the context of what they say and what they do.
technology at all times has become a socially accepted thing. I have seen
plenty of friends hanging out with each other and their noses are buried in
their cell phones, the entire time. People substitute real relationships in the
virtual world, like friendships and more intimate ones. It’s become very
popular to meet someone online, talk to them all the time via email and
texting; some people can go years before ever meeting in person. And when they
do eventually meet, there have been times where it didn’t work out because they
preferred the person they met online. You talk about the beautiful girl Anna
who would turn her boyfriend in for a sophisticated robot if it would produce
caring behavior. I think that this is a scary step that people can feel so
lonely they are turning to technology and think of that as better comfort than
a real human being.
Ana Luisa Suarez
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